Dear Kevin
My deepest condolences, I was so, so sorry to hear the news about Jon, I hope that you will be able to take some small comfort from the messages here, we will all miss him.
Take care, we are thinking of you.
my name is kevin and i am jon's partner.
jon gave me his password a few weeks ago and asked me to post to the board if something happened to him.
as some of you know jon had been undergoing cancer treatment since the end of july.
Dear Kevin
My deepest condolences, I was so, so sorry to hear the news about Jon, I hope that you will be able to take some small comfort from the messages here, we will all miss him.
Take care, we are thinking of you.
even if this isn't true as it is said to be, i thought it was a very touching story.. .
the table cloth - a beautiful story !.
the brand new pastor and his wife, newly assigned to their first.
Thank you Lilacs, that truly was a wonderful story, even more so if it is indeed true. I do like a happy ending! I am just off to bed (early night for a change!) and that made a fantastic bedtime story - thank you for putting a smile on my face.
well the other thread has gotten long concerning the association of te wtbts and the un so i started this one here.
i just got off the phone with a man in patterson concerning this issue and i will post most of convo here.. first of all if you do call beware they play kingdom melodies when you are on hold!.
ok a man answers the phone giving me his first name.
Mommy.....did you know Brooklyn is the name of God's Son?!
Can you work that one out??
Oh, I get it.... Beckham right?
I got it at least ISP!
is your anger with the jw religion due mainly to the fact that you have been df'd?
is it possible that persons who post here who are not disfellowshipped can feel as angry as those who are being shunned and who are therefore being effectively gagged?.
is the df'ing policy of the wtbts the main reason that ex-jw's seem to go all out to get other witnesses out of the org?
Garybuss - nice to have you posting here - I really enjoyed reading your first post, it was so accurate. I especially appreciated the grief cycle that you described - currently I am inbetween the anger and sadness components, I hope one day to be able to move on into acceptance but for the moment it is very hard to. Still too many painful memories and lost friendships. I also find that I am very frustrated, I have seen through the societys lies and deceptions - why can't everyone else?! I know it is unreasonable to expect that but it is still frustrating all the same. For that reason I can fully understand your comment that 'conflict with a closed hierarchy system results in frustration'.
All criticism is seen as anger. All critics are seen as the enemy.How true those statements are. So I am seen as the enemy now and for that I am shunned. They can keep their 'capsule', I want no part of it.
Welcome to you, I look forward to reading more of your excellent posts.
i've just been watching the 6pm bbc news, where there was an interesting clip to do with the current war.. if i've remembered it right, the british prime minister (tony blair) stated:.
"earlier today i had a meeting with all britain's religions...".
anyone know if london bethel was represented?.
Anyone know if London Bethel was represented?
Um, think we all know the answer to this one already... come on someone, prove me wrong, shock me, tell me I'm wrong and that they did send a rep from the org........ I would be very surprised.
interesting article in todays guardian (under the jehovahs witnesses link to un queried article).
thought this made for very interesting reading too..... till i reached the end...... ______________________________________________________________________a whitehall think tank is recommending that religion is abolished as the basis for charity tax concessions - just as home secretary david blunkett seeks a new, stronger definition of religion as part of his drive to outlaw incitement to racial hatred.. but mr blunketts advisers are unaware of the conclusions of the performance and innovation unit (piu), a cabinet office think tank headed by geoff mulgan, who is also the prime ministerss special adviser on strategy.
its report on charities is sponsored by another close colleague of thee prime minister, lady morgan, formerly one of his political secretaries.. the piu is set to recommend that charitable status is only accorded organisations that meet a test of public benefit.
Interesting article in todays Guardian (under the ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses link to UN queried’ article)
Thought this made for very interesting reading too..... till I reached the end.....
______________________________________________________________________A Whitehall think tank is recommending that religion is abolished as the basis for charity tax concessions - just as home secretary David Blunkett seeks a new, stronger definition of religion as part of his drive to outlaw incitement to racial hatred.
But Mr Blunkett’s advisers are unaware of the conclusions of the performance and innovation unit (PIU), a Cabinet Office think tank headed by Geoff Mulgan, who is also the prime ministers’s special adviser on strategy. Its report on charities is sponsored by another close colleague of thee prime minister, Lady Morgan, formerly one of his political secretaries.
The PIU is set to recommend that charitable status is only accorded organisations that meet a test of ‘public benefit’. In future a charity would have to deliver benefits to the community at large not just people associated with it.
Charity law is mainly case law resting on three headings: education, religion and community good. Because of ambiguities in defining what constitutes religious observance, the charities commission has been forced into embarrassing discrimination between such groups as white witches and Odin worshippers and more mainstream faiths.
It is understood that the team of civil servants and voluntary sector experts considering how to change the low would not make their new definition retrospective. Groups that have gained charity status as religious bodies, which include the Church of England as well as Islamic and other non-Christian denominations, would not be affected. Any new religious organisations, Christian or otherwise, would have to pass the public benefit test before they qualified for tax concessions........
damn, who made that stupid rule up....... and it was all going so well in the article up to that point. Seems a bit stupid to me that they are willing to overlook misleading charities that are already set up and are only targeting the new ones. Doesn’t make much sense. The Watchtower being a registered charity is one of the most dishonest things I have come across in the org - how can they call themselves a charity - in what way do they benefit the public? Answers on a postcard please....... I’m not expecting many postcards......
following the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
nelly, now its 12,700
Just a quick question - this may have already been covered, if so, bear with me!
Does the press or media know about all of this? Are they aware of what is going on and the implications of it? It strikes me that such a revelation about the society would make good reading - it would definitely be a good, effective way of getting the information out there. Have the press been approached? longer feeling the dread of being approved by man (wtbts), only jesus.... (keep it going!
... being able to make your own decisions without having to refer to back issues of the Watchtower and Awake...
... not being held to ransom with the threat of the G.Trib and Armageddon...
... not trying to turn every conversation with a 'wordly person' into an excuse to give them magazines...
... reading what you want, when you want, where you want, just because you want to, not because you've been told to in a schedule...
thats what sky news says at 5.
40 gmt.
and now its Kandahar.... attacking all the military installations.
thats what sky news says at 5.
40 gmt.
and now it's Jalalabad as well.....